When You Find the Right Rock

By: Mary Lyn Ray
Illustrated by: Felicita Sala
Published: September 17, 2024
Publisher: Chronicle Kids

I grew up on a farm in NE Iowa with a river that ran below our house. I remember many weeknights and weekends going down to the river with my mom to look for rocks, agates specifically, as well as arrowheads. A rock bed is part of the landscaping around our home and I love finding special rocks to add to it, especially ones that remind me of a favorite place we traveled. We even added a large rock from a friend’s farm field to our front rock bed.

I wasn’t the kind of kid who carried a rock around in their pocket, but I know kids who do. Sometimes several rocks. WHEN YOU FIND THE RIGHT ROCK encourages a special connection to rocks and nature. Somewhere on your next adventure, there might be just the right rock waiting for you to climb, to sit next to, or to pick up and put in your pocket.

When You Find the Right Rock page

With poetic text, Ray describes the joy of climbing a rock or just sitting on a rock and taking in the view. She shares the joy of finding a special rock and compares it to noticing something special about yourself that maybe you hadn’t noticed before. Ray also encourages kids to find a special place to keep their favorite rocks. So, next time you are out and about, keep your eyes peeled for that special rock. You never know where you might spot one.

Sala’s illustrations are an ode to nature sharing the joy of climbing on rocks to the peace of sitting and thinking on a rock. She shares the great variety in colors and shapes of rocks and the joy of finding that special one to tuck in your pocket. This book will be a joy to read to any nature or rock-loving child.

One of the very first children’s books I shared here was by Mary Lyn Ray and I still love this book today!

Mary Lyn Ray has written many acclaimed books for children. She lives in South Danbury, New Hampshire, on an old farm where there are big rocks and pocket rocks, medium-size and big,
big rocks — all just right for saying hello to.

Felicita Sala is a self-taught illustrator and author. She has illustrated several books for children. Sala has won the New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Book Award, the Premio Andersen for Best Illustrator in Italy, and a Society of Illustrators Original Art Gold Medal. She grew up in Australia and now lives in Rome, Italy, with her family. Her favorite things to draw are trees, food, and imaginary people. Find out more by visiting her website, HERE.

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