I’m trying to read more books that I choose for my own reading enjoyment. Not for review, but because I’ve been wanting to read them or they caught my attention. Most of them have been talked about ad nauseam or have been on my to-read list for a long time so they don’t really need a full review. But, I’d still like to give them some space here on the blog, so instead, I’m offering mini-reviews of the books that won’t get full-page space here.
I’ll be linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy and her monthly Quick Lit link-up. Be sure to head over to see others link up their Quick Lit posts.
By: Eleanor Roosevelt
Published: 1960 – Anniversary reprint, April 26, 2011
Publisher: Harper Perennial
Format: eBook
Even though this book was published in 1960, just two years before her death, Eleanor Roosevelt’s advice is still spot on.
I read this over several months, reading a chapter here and there and loved her no-nonsense approach to living. The only part of the book that would be dated was when she talked about men in politics. But she does encourage women to get involved, it just wasn’t as common at the time of publication. I also loved how she stressed getting involved in your community, no matter how big or small it is.
I highlighted many, many sentences and paragraphs in the book related to parenting, dealing with others, and living a good life. Eleanor Roosevelt was a knowledgable woman who wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, worked hard for others, and was a mentor to many. We can all learn a lot from her!
By: Jennifer Ackerman
Narrated by: Margaret Strom
Published: April 12, 2016
Publisher: Penguin Books
Format: Audiobook through the library
I’ve always loved watching birds. My parents’ farm was always full of birds and the feeders were kept full for the finches, the hummingbirds, the orioles, and more. Plus we had birdhouses full of wrens and bluebirds. I have feeders in our yard but I don’t attract nearly the kind of birds my parents do. But I still love watching them.
I was hoping for something a bit different from this book even though I mostly still enjoyed it. I could have done with less information on the Caledonia Crow. But I found the stories shared throughout quite interesting. I am not a fan of Crows and Grackles as they bully the other birds. But they truly are intelligent birds.
Really all birds are quite intelligent and loving creatures. The story of the crow nipping at a cat’s tail and flying off made me laugh. Another of a parrot learning to repeat his owner’s common sayings was hilarious. I also had no idea that mockingbirds truly can imitate really any sound.
I listened to this on audio which made it harder to skim the areas I wasn’t interested in. But I did find the information enjoyable and informative.
By: A.J. Pearce
Narrated by: Anna Popplewell
Published: July 3, 2018
Publisher: Scribner
Historical Fiction
Format: Audiobook through the library
Delightfully sweet, laugh-out-loud funny in spots, and dreadfully sad and heartbreaking in others. I loved that it was a WWII story, but that wasn’t the main part. It was threaded in the background and always there, but the story of BFFs Bunty and Emmy (I listened on audio so not sure of spelling) is what kept me turning the pages. I loved this just so much and cried and laughed all the way through. I highly recommend the audio version as British Actress Anna Popplewell narrates all the characters with pizzazz, heart, and empathy.
By: Kazuo Ishiguro
Narrated by: Rosalyn Landor
Published: April 5, 2005
Publisher: Knopf
Format: Audiobook through the library
I need some time to gather my thoughts on this one. I had heard so many great things about this book from readers that I usually agree with. But, I just couldn’t get into this one and I was confused more times than not about whatever was going on in that chapter. It was a disturbing story and a bit of a dystopian setting and the worst part is you are kept in the dark for the majority of the book. You have no idea what they are talking about and what is going on until quite close to the end. Because I listened to it on audio it wasn’t as easy to flip back and forth or skip ahead if I needed to understand something more. I may try to find a physical copy and give a few sections another look.
But, even though I didn’t like it, I was compelled enough to finish listening to it when I easily could have abandoned it. It definitely left me thinking.
You can see all my other Quick Lit posts by clicking, HERE.
I really enjoyed You Learn By Living as well! I LOVE Eleanor Roosevelt. In middle school, we spent half the year on a project where we researched a famous person and then presented them on a night where we dressed up like them and people had to guess who we were by our clues. I was Eleanor Roosevelt 🙂 I tried convincing my husband that if we had a daughter, we should name her Eleanor Rose (a not so subtle nod to the First Lady) but he wasn’t crazy about it. I really liked Dear Mrs Bird too, although her decisions stressed me out since I am a follow-the-rules type of person.
My September reads are linked in my name if interested
I love the name Eleanor for a girl. I had an aunt Eleanor and if we would have had a second girl, that would have been the top of our list. I was totally stressed in spots while reading Dear Mrs. Bird, but that is what made it a bit fun to read. I never would have had the guts to do what she did either! Thanks for stopping by!