By: Nancy Viau
Published: August 28, 2019
Publisher: Schiffer
Fiction/Juvenile Fiction
Samantha Hansen loves all things science. This spunky ten-year-old first shared her love for rocks in the first book, SAMANTHA HANSEN HAS ROCKS IN HER HEAD. Now, when she finds out that the local bee farm is for sale, she gets a group of friends together to save the bees.
Samantha loves to share all that she knows about science. She isn’t too fond of math, including fractions and percentages, but loves insects. When she begins to learn about the various insects in class she adds all her knowledge to her trusty notebook that she carries with her everywhere. When her family was driving by the bee farm, she sees a For Sale sign and knows that she must do everything she can to save the bees.
Samantha is a quirky child that has trouble controlling her anger, is struggling with sharing her best friend, and lost her father when she was very young. She is confused about whether boys can be friends and how to navigate this fourth grade school year. She likes to stomp her feet and has learned to count when she is feeling angry. She is very bright and likes remembering facts and figures and keeping track of the things she learns in her notebook.
My parents have beehives on their farm for a local apiarist. The bees are very important to the area and keep my mom’s flowers pollinated. We are blessed with jars of honey, right from the hives on our farm. So, bees are something I care about, just like Samantha in this book. Kids will learn important facts about bees and other insects all while enjoying Samantha’s daily struggles as a ten-year-old.
This chapter book is perfect for upper-elementary-aged kids, kids who love science, and kids just starting to read chapter books. Even though I didn’t read the first book in this series, it might be helpful to have more background knowledge on Samantha’s personality.
To purchase a copy of SOMETHING IS BUGGING SAMANTHA HANSEN, click the photo below:
To purchase a copy of SAMANTHA HANSEN HAS ROCKS IN HER HEAD, click the photo below:
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Posted Under bees, Book Review, Children's books, fiction, juvenile fiction, Kid Konnection, middle-grade, Nancy Viau, science