By: Katie Cottle
Published: June 9, 2020
Publisher: Pavillion Books
Books that teach kids an important lesson through a story are always my favorites. In this story, the Blue Giant is the ocean. While Meera and her mom are spending a day on the beach, the Blue Giant emerges and splashes them asking for their help. Meera and her mom paddle their boat into the ocean a find a large amount of garbage that needs to be cleared away from sea creatures, from land animals, and even from the beach. But the project is too big for just two people.
Meera and her mom show the effects of the amount of garbage floating in our oceans and how even just the simple act of picking up one piece of garbage on the beach can make a difference. But, getting multiple people together for a beach pick up day and then rethinking how we purchase items and care for our planet is what will really solve the problem.
The book is covered in gorgeous blue illustrations showing the ocean. Children will no doubt understand and visualize the problem with not caring for our planet as well as encourage them to be sure to be good stewards of the products we buy and the way we live in our communities. Things like refilling water bottles and planting our own vegetables can make a big difference.
This story may just inspire your child to start a neighborhood clean up at your favorite park or maybe to plant a community garden. But, at the very least, it opens the door for a conversation about caring for our planet and being careful with the amount of garbage we are sending to our landfills.
Katie Cottle is an illustrator and author living and working in Bristol, UK. Her work uses a variety of media, including a mix of traditional and digital techniques. Her first book was THE GREEN GIANT.
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Posted Under beach, Book Review, Children's books, Earth Day, environment, fiction, Katie Cottle, Kid Konnection, ocean, pollution