Paw Painters
By: Ann Ingalls and Sue Lowell Gallion
Illustrated by: Andre Ceolin
Published: August 15, 2020
Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press
I’ve shared a previous TIP AND TUCKER book as well as other books by Sue Lowell Gallion. Tip and Tucker are back for a new classroom adventure. Tip gets nervous about new things while Tucker is excited to check everything out.
It’s Art Week in Mr. Lopez’s classroom and Tip and Tucker are enjoying watching the kids. One of them makes a rocket for Tip and Tucker’s cage. While the kids are outside for recess, Tip and Tucker start exploring and fall out of the cage. When the students return from recess, they find all kinds of new artwork in their classroom.

This is a leveled reader marked for Kindergarten and First Grade reading levels. There is repetition throughout the book and frequent use of common sight words. Kids will feel successful in reading the words on the pages and using the illustrations when they are stuck. I also appreciated the diversity in the classroom, especially the use of English and Spanish words on the board to show the paint color options.
This is the third in the Tip and Tucker series and kids will love this ending where Tip and Tucker finally feel like they are part of Mr. Lopez’s class. This series checks all the boxes for kids to get excited about reading their own books, excellent illustrations, fun characters, common sight words, and relatable stories. This would make a great series for the classroom library.
To purchase a copy of TIP AND TUCKER PAW PAINTERS, click the photo below:
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Thanks to the publisher for sending a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. This review is my honest opinion. If you choose to make a purchase through the above links, I may receive a small commission without you having to pay a cent more for your purchase.
Posted Under Andre Ceolin, Ann Ingalls, Book Review, Children's books, fiction, Kid Konnection, school, series, Sue Lowell Gallion