Kids Summer Read-to-Learn
In 2018 and 2020, I shared a series of posts perfect for keeping your kids reading and learning all summer long. By keeping your kids reading and staying interested in learning new things, you help close that learning gap that can creep in over the summer before returning to school in the fall. All summer I’ll be sharing books for children and youths that are great choices to keep your children interested in reading and learning. These may be books that encourage reading, play, and kindness as well as keeping kids interested in science and history all while continuing to read. The summer slide is real and teachers will appreciate kids that continue to keep their minds active along with their bodies. I will try to have a mix of books appropriate for kids from preschool age up through middle-grade readers.
My plan is to run these reviews on Mondays and Fridays with a few times off when we are on vacation. I have a lot of great educational and fun books planned for this series and I hope you follow along with these posts all summer. Watch for the first post, Friday, June 11, 2021. If you ever miss a day, you can follow the Summer Read-to-Learn tag, HERE and see all the posts together. You can also follow me on Social Media for daily posts there as well. All of my social media links are at the top of my blog.
My Summer Reading List
I also plan to get caught up on a bunch of books in my to-read list. Reading for me has been difficult these last several months. I’m in a rut and find the only way I can really get any reading in is through listening to audiobooks. But, with summer coming, my schedule will be completely open and I am looking forward to a much more relaxed routine. I have chosen 16 books that I plan to read this summer. All of these have been sitting on my priority to-read shelf and they are getting bumped to the top. I will also have some book club books and other random ones that cross my path, but these 16 are tops on my list. That’s a little over a book a week starting this week and ending the week of August 16. Our school begins on Monday, August 23. With two driving trips planned for this summer plus a trip this week, I’m expecting to get through a few extra books. I haven’t listed any audiobooks, because I usually save those for my library holds. Then it’s a surprise every time one comes through on my Libby/Overdrive app.

Here are the books I can’t wait to read this summer!
All this month, I’ve been answering Laura Tremaine’s 10 Things to Tell You Instagram daily prompts. You can see them, HERE. I don’t often share things in the way that I’ve been sharing them, especially on social media and it has gotten me excited about reading her book and journaling my thoughts.
Every time I hear about this book, I am reminded how much I need to read it. I’m especially interested in the leading people and running meetings part of the book.
I read the beginning of this book and I’m already sure I will love it. I love learning about animal behaviors and how they connect to humans.
I would never have known about this book if it hadn’t been sent to me by the publisher. I am very interested in this immigrant story.
I really love Karen White’s writing. London during WWII and a dual time-line narrative, I’m in.
Based on a true story of one of America’s richest families, this sounds so good. Isn’t the cover gorgeous?
I have never heard of Lucy Stone before receiving this book. This story is based on her life and it sounds fascinating.
A WWII story of friendship, so you know I’m interested!
A narrative fictional account of the life of Marjory Stoneman Douglas who was an activist for the Florida Everglades later in her life, but had quite a life of turmoil before that.
Another WWII story of friendship. Pam Jenoff is a superb writer and I can’t wait to read her latest book.
Also recommended by Anne Bogel in her Modern Mrs. Darcy Summer Reading Guide, this multi-generational story in small-town Minnesota is top on my list.
A feel good, laugh out loud, sisters rivalry story that I received for Christmas from my BFF. I need to get it read!
I loaned this one to a friend to read and she breezed through it and said it was hilarious. The perfect summer read!
This has been on my list since it came out. Since I am all over Tom Hanks rom coms, I need to read this one!
Two friends have raved about this one, another immigrant story, but one full of adventure and lies.
This family mystery isn’t available for purchase until June 22. This story of mothers, daughters, and secrets has already gotten rave reviews.
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Posted Under Caitlin O'Connell PhD, Children's books, fiction, Hilary Hauck, Karen White, Katherine A. Sherbrooke, Kerry Winfrey, KJ Dell'Antonia, Laura Tremaine, Lesley Pearse, Lori McMullen, Lynne Hugo, non-fiction, Pam Jenoff, Priya Parker, Renee Rosen, Shawn Nocher, summer, Summer Read-to-Learn, summer reading, Susie Yang, Virginia Hume