By: Tristan Mory
Published: March 1, 2022
Publisher: Twirl
Interactive Board Book
Oh my! Order this now for your toddler’s Easter basket. My little great-nephew loved reading this book with me last week! Each page spread features an egg that is about to crack. Pulling the handle offers a crack sound and reveals a baby in the egg. Even the cover has an egg to open revealing a cute baby chick.

When your child pulls the handle, you’ll hear a crack sound, and a baby is revealed in the egg. You’ll find a baby turtle, a baby fish, a baby alligator, a baby penguin, and….a chocolate bunny!

My nephew loved pulling on the handles and I had to help him because they did start to bend pretty quickly. The pages are very thick but the handles, even though they are heavy cardboard, are still bendable.
The pages are full of color and the baby animals are pretty adorable. Each baby animal really comes from an egg…except that chocolate bunny, so it does offer a bit of early learning for your child as well. Be sure to get this for a little one in your life!
Tristan Mory is the head graphic editor for the magazine, Histoires pour les Petits. He earned a degree in visual communication and has illustrated books for various publishers, including Milan, Albin Michel, and Flammarion. He lives and works in Toulouse, France.
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Thanks to the publisher for sending a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. This review is my honest opinion. If you choose to make a purchase through the above links, I may receive a small commission without you having to pay a cent more for your purchase.
Posted Under board book, Book Review, Children's books, Easter, fiction, gift ideas, interactive books, Tristan Mory