Not Consumed is a website offering products and resources to help your family grow in faith so you are not consumed by life. Through Bible studies, children and family activities, and other products your family’s faith in God will be strengthened.
Are you looking to make prayer time more of a priority in your life? Is 2023 the year that you intentionally focus on how God is working in your life? In 2022, I added more daily prayer into my life to help with the build-up of worry and anxiety I was feeling. I only focused on spending more quality time in prayer and having more conversations with God rather than just going to him in desperate situations. What I found was it became more natural to talk to God daily and I felt less anxious about some of the situations in my life causing me to worry.
When I was approached to share this Prayer Journal with you, I felt like it was God leading me to now spend my time focusing more on intentional prayer and the answers to my prayers. Were all my prayers in 2022 answered? Absolutely not. In fact, a few prayers left me gutted and still wondering what I am to learn from his answer or not-answer. I’m still learning, listening, and praying.

I know 2023 will be a year of memorable moments and lots of changes. Adjusting to having one son who is now married and our youngest graduating and heading off to college and our middle child graduating college, these next several months will be full of emotions. My husband and I will have to learn to adjust to a new routine. Almost our whole marriage has been devoted to our children, having our first son just a year after we got married. So, moving ahead with a whole new focus will be different for us. I know that I will be reaching out to God for direction and discernment over the next several months.

I didn’t expect to start 2023 needing God to answer prayers right away. I have been feverishly writing in my journal since last week after going to him desperately in prayer for my mom. She had unexpected surgery that ended up being manageable, but at first, it was extremely scary until we were given the diagnosis. Spending the week caring for my mom after her surgery and for my dad who already needs care was no joke. For all of you who care for your parents daily, I see you and pray for you. This journal is getting a workout as I focus on Exodus 20:12, “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”

What you’ll find inside the #NotConsumed Prayer Journal
🙏 Organized and intentional layout
🙏 Manageable chunks for daily prayers
🙏 LONG-TERM prayer lists
🙏 Gratitude and daily highlight prompts
🙏 Durable, spill-proof, and beautiful format
First of all, what I love about the prayer journal is that it is un-dated. I would love to think I will use this every day, but life happens. However, there are enough pages for you to use the journal 5 days a week for a year.
The prayer journal is set up to use the ACTS acronym for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. There is also a space to record your blessings of the day.
The Adoration section includes 18 names of God and their meanings. You can praise God by recording ways that you’ve seen God’s attributes both in Scripture and in your own life. Review this section over and over to remind yourself of your amazing God!

In the Confession section, you can write out the ways in which you have thought, spoken, and acted wrongly. This step helps you acknowledge and confess any sin that could be keeping you from having a right relationship with God. You’ll also find a list of thought-provoking questions to help you examine your life as the Psalmist modeled for us.

Divided into 13 prompts, the Thanksgiving section allows you to recount the reasons you are thankful to our Lord. Something you’ll always treasure, this record will remind you to praise God for His goodness in your life.

The Supplication section lists 22 categories of people and struggles to pray for, from your family’s needs to the needs of persecuted Christians. Referencing this section daily will help you cultivate a heart of dependence upon our God for His work and provision.

The prayer journal is just $29.00. Inside you will find sticker pages, instructions for using the prayer journal, journal pages, and then more pages for focused prayers related to Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.

Other items like prayer stickers and prayer cards are also available on the site. #NotConsumed also offers numerous products for children and families and as well as gift ideas for women, children, and families.
If you are struggling with a personal situation or want to better track your personal prayers, this #NotConsumer Prayer Journal may be just the thing that propels your prayer time with God.

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I was sent this prayer journal for free in exchange for an honest review. This review is my honest opinion.
Posted Under faith, journal, Not Consumed, pray, prayers, Product Review, website