All summer I’ll be sharing books for kids of all ages on topics that will interest them or offer them a new interest to learn about. Most of the time these will be nonfiction books, but sometimes we can learn from fictional stories too. I frequently learn from books sent during a historical period because usually the fictional story is based on real events.
So, I hope you will stay tuned to these posts. They will always have Summer Read-to-Learn in the title and in the tags. There will be books from some of my favorite publishers like National Geographic, Phaidon, Chronicle Kids, Prestel, and many others.
To see all the posts from my Summer Read-to-Learn series, click HERE.

By: Julie Delas
Illustrated by: Didier Balicevic, Robert Barborini, Isabelle Jacqué, and Cristian Turdera
Published: August 8, 2023
Publisher: Twirl
I’ve shared several of the books in the Do You Know? series for kids and they have all been wonderful. Music is such an important part of our lives whether we get music from the radio or our phones, from the sounds outside our windows, from your child’s favorite show, from a concert, or at church. It is easy to introduce music into our lives every day. I’m not sure I could live without music. Our kids were introduced to music from the very beginning and I’m so thankful that each of them played multiple instruments, has a deep love for music, and even our oldest has kept music as part of his daily life in his church and in teaching kids to play drums.
The four sections include Musical Instruments, Making Music, Jobs in Music, and Listening to Music. The sections include illustrations with labels and a question for kids to think deeper about the topic. Current topics as well as history in music are featured. The end of each section includes a review to remember what has been learned.

I loved the Unique Instruments section. My parents went to Switzerland many years ago and brought back an alpenhorn. They gave it to our son last year and it is such a unique instrument. Check out what one sounds like, HERE.

Kids will also learn how to make music with items in their own homes like bottles of rice, using a whisk on a pan, or rubbing the tops of wet glasses. There is even a page on how to read music notes. Introducing kids to music and finding ways to incorporate it into your daily life is so important. You may just be influencing the next music composer or DJ or music therapist.
The book has heavy pages to hold up to younger readers but older kids will appreciate the questions and the review section. This is a great book to keep in your home library.