Do You Know Farm


Animals, Work, and Life

By: Camille Babeau

Illustrated by: Charlotte Ameling, Héléne Convert, Ilaria Falorsi, Camille Roy

Published: March 12, 2024

Publisher: Twirl


The newest in the DO YOU KNOW? series focuses on a theme close to my heart, the farm. I have really loved this series from Twirl. The books are well made and will stand up to lots of reading and turning of the pages which makes them perfect for classroom libraries. The pages are made with heavier paper that is less likely to tear when kids are turning the pages. Lots of small facts fill the pages along with really great illustrations to make the learning appropriate for elementary-aged students and also fun.

Each page spread answers questions you know kids are wondering about. On the tractor page, kids will learn the parts of a tractor and what they are used for. The question for that page is “When can you drive a tractor?” and then explains the laws of driving tractors as well as reminding kids they could ride in a tractor with a grown-up.

Do You Know? Farm Tractor page

From the daily duties of a farm to how weather affects farming to the various animals that a farmer could raise on the farm and the ways a farmer can make money, kids will learn the ins and outs of farm life. Animal pages include chickens, cows, sheep, goats, and pigs. The pages also include farmers who raise crops and other food to then sell at Farmer’s Markets.

Do You Know? Farm sheep page

The end of each section includes a review section to check your child’s comprehension. The illustrations are accurate cartoon depictions of men and women as well as young and old farmers taking part and enjoying the livelihood that many of us do here in Iowa. Don’t miss this new addition to an informative series for kids.

To purchase a copy of DO YOU KNOW? FARM, click HERE.

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