The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook for Kids

40 Extreme Survival Tips!
By: David Borgenicht and Justin Heimberg
Illustrated by: Wenke Kramp
Published: September 17, 2024
Publisher: Quirk Books

Does your child dream of taking big adventures? Does your child want to be just like Indiana Jones? Or is your child the type of kid who wants to know the answer to all kinds of hypothetical questions? This new edition of the popular Worst-Case Scenario books covers all kinds of extreme situations you might find yourself in.

Do you know what to do if you are charged by a rhinoceros? How about escaping from the grip of a python? Will you be crossing piranha-infested waters any time soon? This book has all the answers you need.

In reality, though, you may not need to know how to escape an elephant stampede, but knowing how to navigate with only the stars in the sky could come in helpful. Maybe you won’t even need to know how to escape a crocodile but knowing how to go to the bathroom (#2) in the woods might come in handy some day.

With witty stories and kid-focused details, the authors have created 40 extreme worst-case scenarios that you might face. Tips like fending off a shark or avoiding a lightning strike can actually be a situation you might find yourself in. With the included information, if you ever find yourself in a tricky situation, you will hopefully be able to use your wits and knowledge to find a way out. A lot of their tips are common sense, but when talking about how to survive falling through the ice or escaping from quicksand, the skills are about the same.

Adventurous kids or fact-lovers will find this book a joy to read and talk about with their friends or at the dinner table. The authors didn’t just do their own research, they also asked experts who reviewed the tips and offered their advice. Thanks to these experts, “Mountain Mel” Deweese, John Lindner, and Charles Maciejewski for sharing these important tips.

David Borgenicht is a writer, editor, publisher, and coauthor of all the books in the Worst-Case Scenario series. He has been known to float on quicksand, overpack while on safari, and employ “the standard squat”. He lives in Philadephia.

Justin Heimberg defines the word extreme. He is extremely cautious and wary. He is an extreme sleeper and an extreme television watcher. On the rare occasion when Justin is not being extreme, he writes books and films. He lives in an extreme suburb in Maryland. Check out his website, HERE.


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