Lately, I have been taking quotes and inspiration from the book SILENT IMPACT by Joe Schmit.  His book has made an impact on me and I want to share some of his wisdom with you.

“Get rid of the negative people. 
If you can’t, at least try to diminish the influence 
they have on you and your family. 
To remain persistently positive, 
you have to rid your life of negative influences.”

Joe Schmit, author, keynote speaker, and broadcaster

I learned the hard way that hanging around negative people turns you into a negative person.  I have a feeling this negativity led the loss of a close friend.  In looking back on my life, I realized I fed off of that person’s negativity.  I am thankful I learned that spending time with that person was costing me relationships.  You may not be able to completely remove the negative person completely from your life. They may be a family member, a neighbor, a co-worker or someone in your “circle”. But, you can choose their effect on you and your life. You can choose to limit your contact with them, stop their influence on you, and to not encourage or feed into their negativity. 
If you have someone who is negative in your life, make a plan for removing their influence on your life.  I promise you will see huge results and feel a weight lifted off of your shoulders. 
Life is too short to waste time with negative people. 
If you would like to purchase SILENT IMPACT, click the photo below.

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  1. Becky G on April 28, 2014 at 1:43 pm

    So true. Right now I feel pretty blessed that I don't really have any really negative people in my life!

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