Take A Moment!

I just want to take a moment and ask you, as I have before, to stop and tell your family, your friends, your spouse, your children how much you love them. Today Jill, who I wrote about a few days ago, passed away after suffering a brain aneurysm on Wednesday morning. I am deeply saddened…
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Stop Complaining!

Every Wednesday I attend Bible Study Fellowship of BSF. This year we have been studying Moses. Today we were studying Numbers, chapters 11-12 where the Israelites are complaining about their situation. During our lecture time, we were challenged to think about how much we complain. For example…when I go to the grocery store to get…
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Mondays Matter: Week 8

from the book Every Monday Matters: 52 Ways To Make A Difference by Matthew Emerzian and Kelly BozzaHELP THE HUNGRYThe second largest expense for a family is food. 1 in 4 people in a soup kitchen line is a child.ACTION STEPS1. Locate organizations near you that support the hungry. Find out what those orgainzations need…
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Project Complete and Two Recipes

This winter I chose a few projects that I wanted to complete, one being organizing our photos. I was almost a year behind, so needed to order the prints I wanted and get them all put in their albums for the kids. On Monday, I finished that project! Then today, I tackled AND finished another…
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The New Has Come!

Even though we are expected to get some snow here tonight and tomorrow, I am still focusing on the fact that Spring is just 1 month away. 2 Corinthians 5:17 states Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come! Soon we will be shedding…
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When I Am Weary

Yesterday was a really long day, as are most Wednesdays. Pat was also having a late appointment, so wasn’t home in the evening. I was just exhausted and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed. Today, is an entire day at home with my daughter and no plans in the evening. So, it…
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Review: Multiple Blessings by Jon and Kate Gosselin and Beth Carson

Eight children in three years? Impossible! Kate and Jon Gosselin have learned that through God, all things are possible – though sometimes slightly improbable. Just three years after giving birth to twin daughters, Kate and Jon learned she was pregnant again – with sextuplets. Kate candidly chronicles the emotional and exhausting challenges she and Jon…
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Mondays Matter: Week 7

From the book Every Monday Matters: 52 Way to Make a Difference by Matthew Emerzian and Kelly Bozza WRITE A LETTER TO A US MILITARY HERO -There are approximately 2.1 million active and reserve men and women in the US military. -The most requested item by military men and women is a letter. ACTION STEPS:…
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A Sign of Spring?

At the end of every summer I bring all my potted plants into our bedroom and set them in our west window, hoping to keep them alive for the next summer. One of my favorites to have on the porch in the summer is a gerbera daisy. Yesterday, I came into our bedroom and was…
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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today I express my love for my husband and my children. Without you in my life, my heart would be empty. Thank you for loving me, even when I screw up. Thank you Pat for being a supportive, loving, and hot husband! 🙂 Thank you, also, for being a loving, caring and involved father to…
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