Review: Jackie and Me by Dan Gutman
Like every other kid in his class, Joe Stoshack has to write a report on an African American who’s made an important contribution to society. Unlike every other kid in his class, Joe has a special talent: with the help of old baseball cards, he can travel through time. So for his report, Joe decides…
Read More Review: The Last Summer (of You and Me) by Ann Brasheres
Ann Brasheres is the author of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series for young adults. This is her first novel for adults. This story is one of a beach-community friendship traingle among three young adults for whom summer and this place have meant everything. Sisters Riley and Alice have been returning to their parent’s…
Read More Lego Creation by Bennett
Bennett and one of his many lego creations. Tonight I had the rare opportunity to spend over 3 hours with just our middle child. First of all I was thrilled that he chose to spend the evening with me rather than going into town with his dad and siblings. I get one on one time…
Read More Review: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Randy Pausch was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer when he gave his “Last Lecture” on childhood dreams. His lecture wasn’t about dying, but the importance of overcoming obstacles, enabling the dreams of others, and seizing every moment. This book is about living and what we want to be our legacy. Randy Pausch as since passed…
Read More Soccer Mom
Bennett and Patrick as the Van Horne Vipers! Reagan, their cheerleader! Last weekend I officially became a soccer mom. Soccer was something that I was never sure about. We didn’t have soccer where I grew up and neither did my husband. We just didn’t understand it. We have been to a few of our nephew…
Read More Politics at home
Last week while watching the Republican Convention, we had our own little convention here at home. Patrick decided to run for Student Council at his elementary and chose the position of Room Representative. So, a campaign poster was made and a speech was written. He even got a “campaign manager” to spread the word to…
Read More Review: Stanley in Space
Stanley in Space is the story of Stanley Lambchop and his family. The President of the United States has chosen Stanley and his family to become the first humans to fly in the STAR SCOUT, a new top-secret spaceship. Stanley’s most exciting adventure is about to begin. He’ll meet the Queen of England, have a…
Read More Lessons From Your Child
I recently read the article “Memo to Mommy” in my Parents Magazine. Many of them were lessons I needed to hear and thought some of you might need to as well. These are all lessons as if your child was saying them to you. Stop freaking out about the mess! There’s always time to clean-but…
Read More Fruit, Vegetables, and Apple Crisp Recipe
We are so fortunate to have wonderful neighbors. We spent many nights this summer in any one of our backyards chatting, watching the kids play, and enjoying some wine, sometimes by a fire with some smores. After choosing this community 4 1/2 years ago, I can’t imagine living anywhere else. So, anyway, back to our…
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