Books That Came My Way in February
According to my Goodreads stats, I’ve read 12 books so far this year which has me a little behind on my goal of reading 80 books this year. But, like I say every month, life is busy and blogging is not always my priority. I wish I could spend my days reading on the couch…
Read More Books That Came My Way In January 2015
I’m happy to say that my reading in January was about what I had expected. I stayed on track and reviewed all the books I was hoping to during that month. I started two books that I had been wanting to read for my own enjoyment and even finished one of them. Deadlines required me…
Read More Books that Came My Way in December
December was a busy month, as it was for most people. We had lots of basketball games, concerts, and Christmas things to prepare for, along with our jobs. That meant I didn’t get a lot of reading done. But, my mailbox was busy preparing for all the great books coming out in 2015. I’m still…
Read More Books That Came My Way in November
I subbed a large number of days in October and November, so my reading has had to take a back seat to the rest of my commitments and responsibilities. I only committed to one review in December and one in January, but I will be bringing you a few more. I am much pickier about…
Read More Books that Came My Way in October
My email inbox has been full of review requests but my regular mailbox hasn’t been quite as busy this month. I’ve turned down several requests because I have been subbing nearly every day which cuts down on the free time I have to read and write reviews. I have also become much pickier about the…
Read More Books That Came My Way in September
My email inbox has been full of review requests and my regular mailbox has been busy this month. I have become much pickier about the books I will read and review, but there are so many great books coming out that I can’t pass them up. I am having less and less time to devote…
Read More Books That Came My Way in August
My email inbox has been full of review requests. I took off a big chunk of time off this summer and I needed it. I have become much pickier about the books I will read and review. I am having less and less time to devote to reading, so if I am choosing to read…
Read More Books that Came My Way in July 2014
My mailbox has been a little slower because I am taking a reviewing break. I haven’t accepted any books for a scheduled review until the end of August. Of course, some books just find their way to my mailbox without my previous knowledge. I have become very picky with the books I agree to review…
Read More Books That Came My Way in June 2014
My mailbox has slowed down a bit this month because it is summer and I am taking on less reviews. I am not accepting any during July and August. I am planning to use that time to catch up on books reviews I am way behind on and with books that I want to read…
Read More Books That Came My Way in May
I’ve had another busy mailbox this month with a bunch more great books coming my way. I have become very picky with the books I agree to review become my time is limited. So, you can be assured that if a book has arrived in my mailbox, I felt it was going to be worth…
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