
Day #11 of Summer Vacation

Today Reagan and I spent a good share of the day cleaning out her room.  Most of it was just needing to be organized, but a small pile is going to Goodwill tomorrow and an even bigger pile went to the trash.  It is nice to finally see the floor!  Good job done! I can…
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Dandelions Are Useful?

After another long day in LaCrosse with my mom at the hospital, my husband sent me a text with the following story and it made my day.  I hope it brings a smile to your face too. This afternoon the boys went to mow the church lawn.  While Bennett was mowing the following conversation took…
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A Valentine Box

  For the first time ever, we had to come up with our own Valentine’s Box for school.  Prior years we just had to contribute a cereal box or something and the kids made it at school.  But, this year, the options were wide open and we were able to come up with our own…
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Product Review: Lego Friends

Reagan got the new LEGO FRIENDS CAFE set for her birthday.  If you haven’t seen this new LEGO series yet, check it out HERE.  They are brand new to LEGO and are perfect for your daughter who always wants to help her brothers with their LEGO sets.  We got Reagan the LEGO Pink Bucket a…
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Scenes From Our Week – Week 15

We had a birthday in our house this week.  Our baby girl, Reagan turned 7!  It seems like just yesterday, Pat and I were in the hospital room, patiently waiting for our miracle girl to arrive.  The epidural was doing its job and we were tuning into an episode of DR PHIL.  Then all of…
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Things I Love -Summer Ball Season

Things I Love… This is my feature where I get to share something that I just love. Since you are my friends, I like sharing things I love with others. It could be anything from a new product, food, recipe, song, image, to a person and everything in between. This will be something I am…
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Celebrating Six

Yesterday, our sweet little pumpkin, schmoopsie poo, pickle, petunia of a girl turned SIX!  Every day she makes us smile and laugh and is just a delight to have in our family!  She absolutely loves to put on makeup, would wear a dress everyday if she could, loves her Barbies, and playing games on the…
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5 Years Ago

It was 5 years ago right now that I was in labor. My epidural had worn off or gotten loose and I was in major pain. But all that pain disappeared at 3:58 PM when our beautiful girl was born. She has been such a light in our family these last 5 years. When we…
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A Goose Egg!

Last night our daughter, Reagan was running through the kitchen and at the same time our cat, Buddy decided to run right in front of her. (Kind of like when you are driving and just when you come up to the animal in the road, rather than staying where they are…and safe…they run right in…
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Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk!

Don’t cry over spilled milk, but apparantly you do cry over spilled trail mix! Poor Reagan! Luckily, we had more!
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Stacie's bookshelf: read-in-2023

The Lazy Genius Kitchen: Have What You Need, Use What You Have, and Enjoy It Like Never Before
Your Table Is Ready: Tales of a New York City Maître D'
The Royal Governess: A Novel of Queen Elizabeth II's Childhood
Food Fight
This Time Tomorrow
To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings
Kiss Me in the Coral Lounge: Intimate Confessions from a Happy Marriage
Save What's Left
Remarkably Bright Creatures
The Galveston Diet: The Doctor-Developed, Patient-Proven Plan to Burn Fat and Tame Your Hormonal Symptoms
Golden Hills
The Girl with the Louding Voice
The Favor
Small Things Like These
This Is How I Lied
Five Days at Memorial: Life and Death in a Storm-Ravaged Hospital
Audrey L and Audrey W: Best Friends-ish: Book 1
Audrey L and Audrey W: True Creative Talents: Book 2
Chasing Giants: In Search of the World's Largest Freshwater Fish
The Puzzler: One Man's Quest to Solve the Most Baffling Puzzles Ever, from Crosswords to Jigsaws to the Meaning of Life
In Conclusion, Don't Worry About It
It Is Well With My Soul: My Story
Have I Told You This Already?: Stories I Don’t Want to Forget to Remember
Book Lovers
A Girl Called Samson
Finn and the Feline Frenemy
The Levee
The Golden Spoon
Only the Beautiful
Live Wire: Long-Winded Short Stories
The Sisters Sweet
Fish in a Tree
This Tender Land
Intermittent Fasting Transformation: The 45-Day Program for Women to Lose Stubborn Weight, Improve Hormonal Health, and Slow Aging
The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise
Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice from Dear Sugar
Ben Y and the Ghost in the Machine
The Great Gilly Hopkins
BenBee and the Teacher Griefer
We Should Not Be Friends: The Story of a Friendship
Blue Highways: A Journey into America
Beyond the Point
The Family
The Bookstore Sisters
And Finally: Matters of Life and Death
The Cactus
Black Cake
Ban This Book
I'm Glad My Mom Died
These Precious Days: Essays
Evidence of the Affair
The Night Travelers
Out of the Corner
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
One Day in December